Site Evaluation Process

1. Initial Contact

Call or e-mail my office. I would be glad to discuss your project with you, answer any of your questions, and set up a time to meet with you.


2. Site Visit

A visit to your property allows for the evaluation of soil and site conditions, as well as your plans for development of the site. Test pits will be dug and/or auger holes to investigate soil texture, color, drainage conditions, and depth of three limiting factors; seasonal high water, ledge, or a hydraulically restrictive layer (hard pan). Site evaluations also assess site conditions such as landscape features, drainage patterns, and setback requirements to wells, water bodies, or property lines. All of these conditions dictate the size and type of system to be designed.


3. Consultation

Before leaving the site the findings of the investigation will be discussed and the location of the septic system finalized.


4. Design and Permitting

All the information gathered in the field is used to create a septic system design. The design includes drawings of a site plan, system plan, and cross-section. The design is placed on a form called a Subsurface Wastewater Disposal System Application (HHE-200 Form) that will become the permit application for a subsurface wastewater disposal system. The permit application is then reveiwed by the local Plumbing Inspector who will issue the appropriate permit.